Abelia floribunda
Posted by Flower
Sunday 24 August 2014 - 15:52:55

Family: Caprifoliaceae
Country of origin: Mexico
Abelia comes from the southern parts of Asia and in particular from the subtropical and areas. Can I met Abeliaia and in large parts of Mexico and North America. It is a wonderful multi-shrub with a height of 150-550 cm. You can grow as a house plant Abelia or balcony flowers.
Abelia recommend for experienced and demanding friends flowers. In this case it is a sub-tropical plant with outstanding color (similar to kolumneyata).
Leaves Abelia are tapered towards the top, the oblong and are arranged opposite each other and circumferentially. Coloration and color are glossy and dark green.
Abelia colors are large and very fragrant. It attracts a lot of bees and butterflies. Are five (5) fused lischeta. They are amazing together clusters. Color color Abelia white. There are some exceptions in which color can be pink or yellow.
Abelia blooms between April to end of septemvi and early October.
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