
Posted by Flower
Friday 22 August 2014 - 19:46:26


Passiflora is wood Liana family Passiflora which in some cases can reach a height of ten meters. It originates from the tropics and subtropics of America. Some of these lianas are bushes, others are grown in pots, others may give a cloud desktop quarters katerlivo. Passiflora has about 520 species, most often you I met the so-called Blue Passion.

Passiflora name comes from missionaries from Spain. Its name comes from the Latin word passio and flos which respectively mean "suffering" and "flower."

Colors of passion flower laden tremendously throughout Liana. It is long and luscious. If properly grow passion flower colors and can reach up to ten (10) inches in diameter. These colors can be pink, white, purple, red, blue and yellow. Passiflora bloom almost all year round without winter. Flowering and beginning early May and ends the end of septemvi and early October.

The fruits of some of the passion flower are edible. Usually offered as an exotic dessert. An example is the passion fruit.

Someone also known types:
- Passiflora edulis - this is Passionflower which has purple and white colors.
- Passiflora incarnata
- Passiflora holosericea
- Passiflora karwinskii
- Passiflora caerulea - that's Passion which has a blue violet and white colors. This Passion is one of the most hardy. Withstand -15 degrees.
- Passiflora violacea - this is Passionflower which has purple flowers.

How growing:

Place of Passiflora:
Passiflora is extremely svetlolyubivo plant. In the absence of sun effect is not blooming. Passion not to plant in shady and dark places. When planting liana plant variety provide good support to develop and wraps. So it will be able to catch mustachetata for her. Periodically formyayte duction according to your requirements and branches pointing at the desired direction. Carefully watch Passiflora is not of course. While growing species that is growing pot from mid spring to late esentta place Passiflora light spot on your patio or garden. Around noon watch is protected from the strong midday sun. In winter, place the plant in a bright location. The temperature during this period is good to be around 5-8 degrees. Ventilate the room frequently. When Liyana not need winterizing. Some colleagues cut them in the fall, and some not. For both types survive.

Temperature Passiflora:
As noted above the place where passion flower must be light and at a maximum temperature 25-28 degrees. Winter time it grow at temperatures of 5-8 degrees.

Humidity Passiflora:
Passiflora loves moisture. The reason for this is that it comes from the tropics and territories such as Brazil, Argentina and Peru. For this purpose, it is desirable to atomize the leaves with filtered water. This will increase flowering and grace of the plant.

Irrigation of Passion:
When plant growth is necessary, it should be watered thoroughly with water that is soft. Try not to give water retention. During the winter period necessary to reduce watering to a minimum. The aim is to pour as much as not to soil dries.

Fertilization of Passiflora:
During growth of the passion flower should Tory weekly. Use fertilizer containing ammonium Chilena and is well put and potassium fertilizer to have blooms.

Ground for Passiflora:
In the cultivation of Passion is better to use soil for growing flowers balcony. The roots of the plant look soil you use is not very fertile. If so you will have rapid growth of passion flower, but with little or no color.

Diseases and pests Passiflora:
One of the most common pests of passion flower are white flies Shtitonostnite lice, mites and thrips. A common problem are yellowed leaves. They occur when there is a lack of nutrients or you prepolivane plant.

Pruning of Passiflora:
Dead and rotting leaves and parts of Passiflora TRYAVNA be pruned because otherwise you would kill your plant. Trim Psiflorata in the period from early March to mid-May.

Specific measures need to complete in winter of Passion:
- Store the plant in a dry clump before it gets cold started (late September, early October).
- Passiflora leave at 8 degrees.
- Need to be watered more often.
- Regularly remove leaf fell.
- In early spring (late March, early April) crop weak stems and shorten others.
- Replanting the plant every two years.

Replanting Passiflora:
In the early years it is necessary to perform screening every year. When the plant gets older sifting it for two years. Sieving Highly humostna soil with the addition of sand.

Propagation of Passiflora:
You can multiply Passion in three ways:
- By seed
- By cuttings
- By separating the rhizome.

Propagation by seed Passiflora:
Reproduction of Passion by seed is made from early May to mid-Messe July Since the seeds of passion flower are pretty hard to have them thinned shell with hands or through jewelry in dilute acids or hot water for a couple of days. When soaking the seeds that sink you can plant them and those of the surface discard (will not give a cloud color). In this method of reproduction must have very patient because the plant blooms after the fifth year of planting.

Propagation by cuttings Passiflora:
Propagation by cuttings of Passiflora is done by cuttings. In the period from the beginning of February until the end of April rooted in warm sand under glass cut cuttings that have developed 2-3-4 leaves. Working temperatures of the air and the soil should be 21-24 degrees. When the root must be replanted cuttings in pots with soil composed of sand, manure and chimovka. Thus, in contrast to the propagation by seed will have a bloom next year.

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